Opel Insignia Owners & Service Manuals

Opel Insignia: Diagnostic Information and Procedures

Symptoms - Steering Wheel and Column

NOTE: Review the system operation in order to familiarize yourself with the system functions.

Refer to Steering Wheel and Column Description and Operation.

Symptoms List

Refer to a symptom diagnostic procedure from the following list in order to diagnose the symptom:

  • High Effort While Tilting Column
  • High Telescoping Effort
  • Looseness in Steering Column
  • Noise in Steering Column


Diagnostic Instructions

  • Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic procedure:Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
  • Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis:Strategy Based Diagnosis
  • An overview of each diagnostic category can be found here:Diagnostic Procedure Instructions

Diagnostic Fault Information

Steering Wheel and Column

1. Heated Steering Wheel = Inoperative
2. Heated Steering Wheel = Always On
3. LED (Light Emitting Diode) = Inoperative
4. LED (Light Emitting Diode) = Always On

Circuit/System Description

For an overview of the component/system, refer to:Steering Wheel and Column Description and Operation

Steering Wheel and Column

Reference Information

Schematic Reference

Steering Wheel Wiring Schematics

Connector End View Reference


Electrical Information Reference

  • Circuit Testing
  • Connector Repairs
  • Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections
  • Wiring Repairs

Circuit/System Verification

1. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.

2. Heated Steering Wheel - Off.

3. Verify the following conditions do not exist:

  • Heated Steering Wheel Indicator = On
  • Heated Steering Wheel = Activated
  • If a condition exists - Heated Steering Wheel = Activated

Refer to:Heated Steering Wheel Malfunction

  • If a condition exists - Heated Steering Wheel Indicator = On

Refer to: Circuit/System Testing

  • Go to next step: If none of the conditions exists

4. Press and release the switch: Heated Steering Wheel Switch.

5. Verify the following conditions do not exist:

  • Heated Steering Wheel Indicator = Off
  • Heated Steering Wheel = Not Activated
  • If a condition exists - Heated Steering Wheel = Not Activated

Refer to:Heated Steering Wheel Malfunction

  • If a condition exists - Heated Steering Wheel Indicator = Off

Refer to: Circuit/System Testing

  • Go to next step: If none of the conditions exists

6. All OK.

Circuit/System Testing

1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off.

2. Disconnect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module.

3. Test for less than 10 ohms between the test points: Ground circuit terminal 5 & Ground.

  • If 10 ohms or greater
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off
  2. Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Ground circuit & The other end of the circuit
    • If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
    • If less than 2 ohms - Repair the open/high resistance in the ground connection.
  • Go to next step: If less than 10 ohms

4. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.

5. Verify a test lamp turns On between the test points: Ignition circuit terminal 3 & Ground.

  • If the test lamp does not turn On and the circuit fuse is OK
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off & Remove - Test lamp
  2. Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Ignition circuit & The other end of the circuit
    • If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
    • If less than 2 ohms - Verify the fuse is OK and there is voltage at the fuse. Refer to:Power Mode Mismatch.
  • If the test lamp does not turn On and the circuit fuse is open
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off
  2. Test for infinite resistance between the test points: Ignition circuit & Ground
    • If less than infinite resistance - Repair the short to ground on the circuit.
    • If less than infinite resistance - Replace the component: K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module
  • Go to next step: If the test lamp turns On

6. Ignition/Vehicle - Off.

7. Connect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module.

8. Disconnect the electrical connector: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left.

9. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.

10. Test for battery voltage between the test points: Control terminal 4 & Ground.

  • If less than battery voltage
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off
  2. Disconnect the electrical connector: S70R Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Right
  3. Test for infinite resistance between the test points:Control Circuit & Ground
    • If less than infinite resistance - Repair the short to ground on the circuit.
    • Go to next step: If infinite resistance
  4. Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Control Circuit & The other end of the circuit
    • If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
    • If less than 2 ohms - Replace the component: K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module
  • Go to next step: If battery voltage

11. Ignition/Vehicle - Off.

12. Connect the electrical connector: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left.

13. Disconnect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module.

NOTE: Verify interior lighting dimming is turned all the way up.

14. Connect a 3 A fused jumper wire between the test points: Control circuit terminal 2 & Ground..

15. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode

16. Verify the component turns On and Off when connecting and disconnecting the jumper wire:Heated.

Steering Wheel Indicator.

  • If the component does not turn On and Off

Replace the component: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left

  • If the component turns On and Off

Replace the component: K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module

Repair Instructions

Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification after completing the repair: Diagnostic Repair Verification.

  • Cruise Control Switch Replacement
  • For control module replacement, programming, and setup refer to: Control Module References

Heated Steering Wheel Malfunction

Diagnostic Instructions

  • Perform the Diagnostic System Check prior to using this diagnostic procedure:Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle
  • Review the description of Strategy Based Diagnosis:Strategy Based Diagnosis
  • An overview of each diagnostic category can be found here:Diagnostic Procedure Instructions

Diagnostic Fault Information

Steering Wheel and Column

Steering Wheel and Column

1. Heated Steering Wheel = Always On
2. Heated Steering Wheel = Inoperative

Circuit/System Description

For an overview of the component/system, refer to:Steering Wheel and Column Description and Operation.

Steering Wheel and Column

Diagnostic Aids

  • Before replacing the steering wheel for complaints of not getting hot enough, a reliable infrared temperature gun should be used to measure the temperature at the 3 and 9 o'clock positions (1).
  • The target temperature of the steering wheel heating is 30ºC (86ºF), which can take up to 20 min to reach.
  • The steering wheel heating will not operate when the steering wheel temperature is above 32ºC (89.6ºF).

Steering Wheel and Column

Reference Information

Schematic Reference

Steering Wheel Wiring Schematics

Connector End View Reference


Electrical Information Reference

  • Circuit Testing
  • Connector Repairs
  • Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections
  • Wiring Repairs

Circuit/System Verification

Infrared Temperature Gun

1. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.

2. Verify the component is not activated: Heated Steering Wheel Indicator.

  • If the component activates

Refer to:Heated Steering Wheel Indicator Malfunction

  • Go to next step: If the component does not activate

3. Verify the condition does not exist: Heated Steering Wheel = Greater than 25ºC (77ºF)

  • If 25ºC (77ºF) or warmer

Allow the component to cool if warmer than 25ºC (77ºF).

  • Go to next step: If colder than 25ºC (77ºF)

4. Operate the component: Heated Steering Wheel Switch - On and Off.

5. Verify the component turns On and Off: Heated Steering Wheel Indicator.

  • If the component does not turn On and Off

Refer to:Heated Steering Wheel Indicator Malfunction

  • Go to next step: If the component turns On and Off

6. Heated Steering Wheel Switch - On.

7. Wait for greater than 20 min.

8. Verify the condition does not exist: Heated Steering Wheel = Colder than 28ºC (82.4ºF)

  • If colder than 28ºC (82.4ºF)

Refer to: Circuit/System Testing

  • Go to next step: If 28ºC (82.4ºF) or warmer

9. All OK.

Circuit/System Testing

1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off.

2. Disconnect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module.

3. Test for less than 10 ohms between the test points: Ground circuit terminal 5 & Ground.

  • If 10 ohms or greater
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off
  2. Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Ground circuit & The other end of the circuit
    • If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
    • If less than 2 ohms - Repair the open/high resistance in the ground connection.
  • Go to next step: If less than 10 ohms

4. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.

5. Verify a test lamp turns On between the test points: Ignition circuit terminal 3 & Ground.

  • If the test lamp does not turn On and the circuit fuse is OK
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off & Remove - Test lamp
  2. Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Ignition circuit & The other end of the circuit
    • If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
    • If less than 2 ohms - Verify the fuse is OK and there is voltage at the fuse. Refer to:Power Mode Mismatch.
  • If the test lamp does not turn On and the circuit fuse is open
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off
  2. Test for infinite resistance between the test points: Ignition circuit & Ground
    • If less than infinite resistance - Repair the short to ground on the circuit.
    • If less than infinite resistance - Replace the component: K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module
  • Go to next step: If the test lamp turns On

6. Ignition/Vehicle - Off.

7. Connect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module.

8. Disconnect the electrical connector: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left.

9. Test for less than 10 ohms between the test points: Ground circuit terminal 1 & Ground.

  • If 10 ohms or greater
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off
  2. Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Ground circuit & The other end of the circuit
    • If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
    • If less than 2 ohms - Repair the open/high resistance in the ground connection.
  • Go to next step: If less than 10 ohms

10. Ignition - On / Vehicle - In Service Mode.

11. Test for battery voltage between the test points: Signal circuit terminal 8 & Ground.

  • If less than battery voltage
  1. Ignition/Vehicle - Off
  2. Disconnect the electrical connector: X229@K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module
  3. Test for infinite resistance between the test points: Control Circuit & Ground
    • If less than infinite resistance - Repair the short to ground on the circuit.
    • Go to next step: If infinite resistance
  4. Test for less than 2 ohms between the test points: Control Circuit & The other end of the circuit
    • If 2 ohms or greater - Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.
    • If less than 2 ohms - Replace the component: K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module
  • Go to next step: If battery voltage

12. Test for infinite resistance between the test points: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left - Signal terminal 8 & Ground terminal 1 - Heated Steering Wheel Switch - Released

  • If less than infinite resistance

Replace the component: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left

  • Go to next step: If infinite resistance

13. Test for less than 40 ohms between the test points: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left - Signal terminal 8 & Ground terminal 1 - Heated Steering Wheel Switch - Pressed

  • If 40 ohms or greater

Replace the component: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left

  • Go to next step: If less than 40 ohms

14. Connect the electrical connector: S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left.

15. Disconnect the electrical connector: E15 Steering Wheel Heater.

16. Test for less than 10 ohms between the test points:

  • Ground circuit terminal 1 & Ground
  • Ground circuit terminal 4 & Ground
  • If 10 ohms or greater

Repair the open/high resistance in the circuit.

  • Go to next step: If less than 10 ohms

17. Test for 1.5 to 3.0 ohms between the test points: Control circuit terminal 3 & Ground circuit terminal 4

  • If not between 1.5 and 3.0 ohms

Replace the component: E15 Steering Wheel Heater

  • Go to next step: If between 1.5 and 3.0 ohms

18. Test for 9 k to 12 kohms between the test points: Signal circuit terminal 2 & Ground circuit terminal 1

  • If not between 9 k and 12 kohms

Replace the component: E15 Steering Wheel Heater

  • Go to next step: If between 9 k and 12 kohms

19. Replace the component: K32 Steering Wheel Heating Control Module

Repair Instructions

Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification after completing the repair: Diagnostic Repair Verification

  • Cruise Control Switch Replacement
  • For control module replacement, programming, and setup refer to: Control Module References


Steering Wheel and Column


Steering Wheel and Column


Steering Wheel and Column

Steering Wheel and Column


Steering Wheel and Column

Steering Wheel and Column


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