This vehicle may have features that work together to help avoid crashes or reduce crash damage while driving, backing, and parking. Read this entire section before using these systems.
Warning: Do not rely on the Driver Assistance Systems. These systems do not replace the need for paying attention and driving safely. You may not hear or see alerts or warnings provided by these systems. Failure to use proper care when driving may result in injury, death, or vehicle damage.
Under many conditions, these systems will not:
Complete attention is always required while driving, and you should be ready to take action and apply the brakes and/or steer the vehicle to avoid crashes.
Audible Alert
Some driver assistance features alert the driver of obstacles by beeping. To change the volume of the warning chime, see "Comfort and Convenience" under Vehicle Personalization.
Assistance Systems for Parking or Backing
If equipped, the Rear Vision Camera (RVC), Rear Parking Assist (RPA), Front Parking Assist (FPA), and Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) may help the driver park or avoid objects.
Always check around the vehicle when parking or backing.
Rear Vision Camera (RVC)
When the vehicle is shifted into R (Reverse), the RVC shows an image of the area behind the vehicle in the infotainment display. The previous screen displays when the vehicle is shifted out of R (Reverse) after a short delay. To return to the previous screen sooner, press any button on the infotainment system, shift into P (Park), or reach a vehicle speed of approximately 12 km/h (8 mph).
Displayed images may be farther or closer than they appear. The area displayed is limited and objects that are close to either corner of the bumper or under the bumper do not display.
A warning triangle may appear on the infotainment display to show that RPA has detected an object.
This triangle changes from amber to red and increases in size the closer the object.
Warning: The camera(s) do not display children, pedestrians, bicyclists, crossing traffic, animals, or any other object outside of the cameras' field of view, below the bumper, or under the vehicle.
Shown distances may be different from actual distances. Do not drive or park the vehicle using only these camera(s). Always check behind and around the vehicle before driving. Failure to use proper care may result in injury, death, or vehicle damage.
Parking Assist
With RPA, and if equipped with FPA, as the vehicle moves at speeds of less than 8 km/h (5 mph) the sensors on the bumpers may detect objects up to 2.5m (8 ft) behind the vehicle and 1.2m (4 ft) in front of the vehicle within a zone 25 cm (10 in) high off the ground and below bumper level. These detection distances may be shorter during warmer or humid weather. Blocked sensors will not detect objects and can also cause false detections.
Keep the sensors clean of mud, dirt, snow, ice, and slush; and clean sensors after a car wash in freezing temperatures.
Warning: The Parking Assist system does not detect children, pedestrians, bicyclists, animals, or objects located below the bumper or that are too close or too far from the vehicle. It is not available at speeds greater than 8 km/h (5 mph). To prevent injury, death, or vehicle damage, even with Parking Assist, always check the area around the vehicle and check all mirrors before moving forward or backing.
The instrument cluster may have a Parking Assist display with bars that show "distance to object" and object location information for RPA, and on some vehicles, FPA. As the object gets closer, more bars light up and the bars change color from yellow to amber to red.
When an object is first detected in the rear, one beep will be heard from the rear. When an object is very close (<0.6m (2 ft) in the vehicle rear, or <0.3 m (1 ft) in the vehicle front), five beeps will sound from the front or rear depending on object location. Beeps for FPA are higher pitched than for RPA.
Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)
If equipped, when the vehicle is shifted into R (Reverse), RCTA displays a red warning triangle with a left or right pointing arrow on the infotainment display to warn of traffic coming from the left or right.
This system detects objects coming from up to 20m (65 ft) from the left or right side of the vehicle. When an object is detected, three beeps sound from the left or right depending on the direction of the detected vehicle.
Turning the Features On or Off
Press on the center console to
turn on or off the Front and Rear
Parking Assist and the Rear Cross
Traffic Alert (RCTA). The indicator
light in the button comes on when
the features are on and turns off
when the features have been
RCTA can also be turned off through vehicle personalization.
Assistance Systems for Driving
If equipped, when driving the vehicle in a forward gear, Forward Collision Alert (FCA), Lane Departure Warning (LDW), Lane Keep Assist (LKA), Side Blind Zone Alert (SBZA), Lane Change Alert (LCA), and/or Forward Automatic Braking (FAB) can help to avoid a crash or reduce crash damage.
Forward Collision Alert (FCA) System
If equipped, the FCA system may help to avoid or reduce the harm caused by front-end crashes. When approaching a vehicle ahead too quickly, FCA provides a red flashing alert on the windshield and rapidly beeps. FCA also lights an amber visual alert if following another vehicle much too closely.
FCA detects vehicles within a distance of approximately 60m (197 ft) and operates at speeds above 8 km/h (5 mph). If the vehicle has Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), it can detect vehicles to distances of approximately 110 m (360 ft).
Warning: FCA is a warning system and does not apply the brakes. When approaching a slower-moving or stopped vehicle ahead too rapidly, or when following a vehicle too closely, FCA may not provide a warning with enough time to help avoid a crash. It also may not provide any warning at all. FCA does not warn of pedestrians, animals, signs, guardrails, bridges, construction barrels, or other objects. Be ready to take action and apply the brakes.
FCA can be disabled with either the FCA steering wheel control or, if equipped, through vehicle personalization.
Detecting the Vehicle Ahead
FCA warnings will not occur unless the FCA system detects a vehicle ahead. When a vehicle is detected, the vehicle ahead indicator will display green. Vehicles may not be detected on curves, highway exit ramps, or hills, due to poor visibility; or if a vehicle ahead is partially blocked by pedestrians or other objects. FCA will not detect another vehicle ahead until it is completely in the driving lane.
Warning: FCA does not provide a warning to help avoid a crash, unless it detects a vehicle. FCA may not detect a vehicle ahead if the FCA sensor is blocked by dirt, snow, or ice, or if the windshield is damaged. It may also not detect a vehicle on winding or hilly roads, or in conditions that can limit visibility such as fog, rain, or snow, or if the headlamps or windshield are not cleaned or in proper condition. Keep the windshield, headlamps, and FCA sensors clean and in good repair.
Collision Alert
When your vehicle approaches another detected vehicle too rapidly, the red FCA display will flash on the windshield. Also, eight rapid high-pitched beeps will sound from the front. When this Collision Alert occurs, the brake system may prepare for driver braking to occur more rapidly which can cause a brief, mild deceleration. Continue to apply the brake pedal as needed.
Cruise control may be disengaged when the Collision Alert occurs.
Tailgating Alert
The vehicle ahead indicator will display amber when you are following a vehicle ahead much too closely.
Selecting the Alert Timing
The Collision Alert control is on the
steering wheel. Press to set the
alert timing. The first button press
shows the current setting on the
Driver Information Center (DIC).
Additional button presses will change this setting. The chosen setting will remain until it is changed and will affect the timing of both the Collision Alert and the Tailgating Alert features. The timing of both alerts will vary based on vehicle speed. The faster the vehicle speed, the farther away the alert will occur.
Consider traffic and weather conditions when selecting the alert timing. The range of selectable alert timing may not be appropriate for all drivers and driving conditions.
Changing the FCA timing setting automatically changes the following gap setting (Far, Medium, or Near) for the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) feature.
Following Distance Indicator
The following distance to a moving vehicle you are following is indicated in following time in seconds on the DIC. The minimum following time is 0.5 seconds away. If there is no vehicle detected ahead, or the vehicle ahead is out of sensor range, dashes will be displayed.
Unnecessary Alerts
FCA may provide unnecessary alerts for turning vehicles, vehicles in other lanes, objects that are not vehicles, or shadows. These alerts are normal operation and the vehicle does not need service.
Cleaning the System
If the FCA system does not seem to operate properly, this may correct the issue:
Forward Automatic Braking (FAB)
If the vehicle has Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), it also has FAB, which includes Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA). When the system detects a vehicle ahead in your path that is traveling in the same direction that you may be about to crash into, it can provide a boost to braking or automatically brake the vehicle. This can help avoid or lessen the severity of crashes when driving in a forward gear. Depending on the situation, the vehicle may automatically brake moderately or hard. This forward automatic braking can only occur if a vehicle is detected. This is shown by the FCA vehicle ahead indicator being lit.
The system works when driving in a forward gear between 10 km/h (6 mph) and 180 km/h (112 mph) for moving vehicles, or between 10 km/h (6 mph) and 55 km/h (34 mph) for stationary vehicles.
It can detect vehicles up to approximately 60 m (197 ft).
Warning: FAB is an emergency crash preparation feature and is not designed to avoid crashes. Do not rely on FAB to brake the vehicle. FAB will not brake outside of its operating speed range and only responds to detected vehicles.
FAB may not:
Complete attention is always required while driving, and you should be ready to take action and apply the brakes and/or steer the vehicle to avoid crashes.
FAB may slow the vehicle to a complete stop to try to avoid a potential crash. The vehicle will only hold at a stop briefly. A firm press of the accelerator pedal will also release FAB.
Warning: FAB may automatically brake the vehicle suddenly in situations where it is unexpected and undesired. It could respond to a turning vehicle ahead, guardrails, signs, and other non-moving objects. To override FAB, firmly press the accelerator pedal, if it is safe to do so.
Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA)
IBA may activate when the brake pedal is applied quickly by providing a boost to braking based on the speed of approach and distance to a vehicle ahead.
Minor brake pedal pulsations or pedal movement during this time is normal and the brake pedal should continue to be applied as needed.
IBA will automatically disengage only when the brake pedal is released.
Warning: IBA may increase vehicle braking in situations when it may not be necessary. You could block the flow of traffic. If this occurs, take your foot off the brake pedal and then apply the brakes as needed.
FAB and IBA can be disabled through vehicle personalization.
Warning: Using FAB or IBA while towing a trailer could cause you to lose control of the vehicle and crash.
Turn the system to Off when towing a trailer.
A system unavailable message may display if:
The FAB system does not need service.
Front Pedestrian Braking (FPB) System
If equipped, the FPB system may
help avoid or reduce the harm
caused by front-end crashes with
nearby pedestrians when driving in
a forward gear. FPB displays an
amber indicator, , when a nearby
pedestrian is detected directly
ahead. When approaching a
detected pedestrian too quickly,
FPB provides a red flashing alert on
the windshield and rapidly beeps.
FPB can provide a boost to braking or automatically brake the vehicle.
This system includes Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA), and the Forward Automatic Braking (FAB) System may also respond to pedestrians.
The FPB system can detect and alert to pedestrians in a forward gear at speeds between 8 km/h (5 mph) and 80 km/h (50 mph).
During daytime driving, the system detects pedestrians up to a distance of approximately 40m (131 ft).
During nighttime driving, system performance is very limited.
Warning: FPB does not provide an alert or automatically brake the vehicle, unless it detects a pedestrian.
FPB may not detect pedestrians, including children:
Be ready to take action and apply the brakes. Keep the windshield, headlamps, and FPB sensor clean and in good repair.
FPB can be set to Off, Alert, or Alert & Brake through vehicle personalization.
Detecting the Pedestrian Ahead
FPB alerts and automatic braking will not occur unless the FPB system detects a pedestrian. When a nearby pedestrian is detected directly in front of the vehicle, the pedestrian ahead indicator will display amber.
Front Pedestrian Alert
With Head-Up Display
Without Head-Up Display
When the vehicle approaches a pedestrian ahead too rapidly, the red FPB alert display will flash on the windshield. Eight rapid high-pitched beeps will sound from the front. When this Pedestrian Alert occurs, the brake system may prepare for driver braking to occur more rapidly which can cause a brief, mild deceleration. Continue to apply the brake pedal as needed.
Cruise control may be disengaged when the Front Pedestrian Alert occurs.
Automatic Braking
If FPB detects it is about to crash into a pedestrian directly ahead, and the brakes have not been applied, FPB may automatically brake moderately or brake hard. This can help to avoid some very low speed pedestrian crashes or reduce pedestrian injury. FPB can automatically brake to detected pedestrians between 8 km/h (5 mph) and 80 km/h (50 mph). Automatic braking levels may be reduced under certain conditions, such as higher speeds.
If this happens, Automatic Braking may engage the Electric Parking Brake (EPB) to hold the vehicle at a stop. Release the EPB. A firm press of the accelerator pedal will also release Automatic Braking and the EPB.
Warning: FPB may alert or automatically brake the vehicle suddenly in situations where it is unexpected and undesired. It could falsely alert or brake for objects similar in shape or size to pedestrians, including shadows. This is normal operation and the vehicle does not need service. To override Automatic Braking, firmly press the accelerator pedal, if it is safe to do so.
Automatic Braking can be disabled through vehicle personalization.
Warning: Using the Front Pedestrian Braking system while towing a trailer could cause you to lose control of the vehicle and crash.
Turn the system to Alert or Off when towing a trailer.
Cleaning the System
If FPB does not seem to operate properly, cleaning the outside of the windshield in front of the rearview mirror may correct the issue.
Side Blind Zone Alert (SBZA)
If equipped, the SBZA system is a lane-changing aid that assists drivers with avoiding crashes that occur with moving vehicles in the side blind zone (or spot) areas.
When the vehicle is in a forward gear, the left or right side mirror display will light up if a moving vehicle is detected in that blind zone. If the turn signal is activated and a vehicle is also detected on the same side, the display will flash as an extra warning not to change lanes. Since this system is part of the Lane Change Alert (LCA) system, read the entire LCA section before using this feature.
Lane Change Alert (LCA)
If equipped, the LCA system is a lane-changing aid that assists drivers with avoiding lane change crashes that occur with moving vehicles in the side blind zone (or spot) areas or with vehicles rapidly approaching these areas from behind. The LCA warning display will light up in the corresponding outside side mirror and will flash if the turn signal is on.
Warning: LCA does not alert the driver to vehicles outside of the system detection zones, pedestrians, bicyclists, or animals. It may not provide alerts when changing lanes under all driving conditions.
Failure to use proper care when changing lanes may result in injury, death, or vehicle damage.
Before making a lane change, always check mirrors, glance over your shoulder, and use the turn signals.
LCA Detection Zones
The LCA sensor covers a zone of approximately one lane over from both sides of the vehicle, or 3.5m (11 ft). The height of the zone is approximately between 0.5m (1.5 ft) and 2m (6 ft) off the ground. The Side Blind Zone Alert (SBZA) warning area starts at approximately the middle of the vehicle and goes back 5 m (16 ft). Drivers are also warned of vehicles rapidly approaching from up to 50m (164 ft) behind the vehicle.
How the System Works
The LCA symbol lights up in the side mirrors when the system detects a moving vehicle in the next lane over that is in the side blind zone or rapidly approaching that zone from behind. A lit LCA symbol indicates it may be unsafe to change lanes. Before making a lane change, check the LCA display, check mirrors, glance over your shoulder, and use the turn signals.
When the vehicle is started, both outside mirror LCA displays will briefly come on to indicate the system is operating. When the vehicle is in a forward gear, the left or right side mirror display will light up if a moving vehicle is detected in the next lane over in that blind zone or rapidly approaching that zone.
If the turn signal is activated in the same direction as a detected vehicle, this display will flash as an extra warning not to change lanes.
LCA can be disabled through vehicle personalization using the Lane Change Alert option.
If LCA is disabled by the driver, the LCA mirror displays will not light up.
When the System Does Not Seem to Work Properly
The LCA system requires some driving for the system to calibrate to maximum performance. This calibration may occur more quickly if the vehicle is driving on a straight highway road with traffic and roadside objects (e.g., guardrails, barriers).
LCA displays may not come on when passing a vehicle quickly, for a stopped vehicle, or when towing a trailer. The LCA detection zones that extend back from the side of the vehicle do not move further back when a trailer is towed. Use caution while changing lanes when towing a trailer. LCA may alert to objects attached to the vehicle, such as a trailer, bicycle, or object extending out to either side of the vehicle.
Attached objects may also interfere with the detection of vehicles. This is normal system operation; the vehicle does not need service.
LCA may not always alert the driver to vehicles in the next lane over, especially in wet conditions or when driving on sharp curves. The system does not need to be serviced. The system may light up due to guardrails, signs, trees, shrubs, and other non-moving objects. This is normal system operation; the vehicle does not need service.
LCA may not operate when the LCA sensors in the left or right corners of the rear bumper are covered with mud, dirt, snow, ice, or slush, or in heavy rainstorms. If the DIC still displays the system unavailable message after cleaning both sides of the vehicle toward the rear corners of the vehicle, see your dealer.
If the LCA displays do not light up when moving vehicles are in the side blind zone or are rapidly approaching this zone and the system is clean, the system may need service. Take the vehicle to your dealer.
Lane Departure Warning (LDW)
If equipped, LDW may help avoid crashes due to unintentional lane departures. It may provide a warning if the vehicle is crossing a detected lane marking without using a turn signal in the lane departure direction. Since this system is part of the Lane Keep Assist (LKA) system, read the entire LKA section before using this feature.
Lane Keep Assist (LKA)
If equipped, LKA may help avoid crashes due to unintentional lane departures. It may assist by gently turning the steering wheel if the vehicle approaches a detected lane marking without using a turn signal in that direction. It may also provide a Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system alert as the lane marking is crossed. The LKA system will not assist or provide an LDW alert if it detects that you are actively steering. Override LKA by turning the steering wheel. LKA uses a camera to detect lane markings between 60 km/h (37 mph) and 180 km/h (112 mph).
Warning: The LKA system does not continuously steer the vehicle.
It may not keep the vehicle in the lane or give a Lane Departure Warning (LDW) alert, even if a lane marking is detected.
The LKA and LDW systems may not:
If LKA only detects lane markings on one side of the road, it will only assist or provide an LDW alert when approaching the lane on the side where it has detected a lane marking. Even with LKA and LDW, you must steer the vehicle. Always keep your attention on the road and maintain proper vehicle position within the lane, or vehicle damage, injury, or death could occur. Always keep the windshield, headlamps, and camera sensors clean and in good repair. Do not use LKA in bad weather conditions.
Warning: Using LKA while towing a trailer or on slippery roads could cause loss of control of the vehicle and a crash. Turn the system off.
How the System Works
The LKA camera sensor is on the windshield ahead of the rearview mirror.
To turn LKA on and off, press
on the center console.
When on is green if LKA is
available to assist and provide LDW
alerts. It may assist by gently
turning the steering wheel and
as amber if the vehicle
approaches a detected lane marking
without using a turn signal in that
direction. It may also provide an
LDW alert by flashing
as the lane marking is crossed.
Additionally, there may be three beeps on the right or left, depending on the lane departure direction.
Take Steering
The LKA system does not continuously steer the vehicle.
If LKA does not detect active driver steering, an alert, chime, or DIC message may be provided. Steer the vehicle to dismiss.
When the System Does Not Seem to Work Properly
The system performance may be affected by:
If the LKA system is not functioning properly when lane markings are clearly visible, cleaning the windshield may help.
A camera blocked message may display if the camera is blocked.
Cleaning the outside of the windshield behind the rearview mirror may correct the issue. Some driver assistance systems may have reduced performance or not work at all. An LKA or LDW unavailable message may display if the systems are temporarily unavailable. This message could be due to a blocked camera. The LKA system does not need service. Clean the outside of the windshield behind the rearview mirror.
LKA assistance and/or LDW alerts may occur due to tar marks, shadows, cracks in the road, temporary or construction lane markings, or other road imperfections. This is normal system operation; the vehicle does not need service. Turn LKA off if these conditions continue.