Opel Insignia Owners & Service Manuals

Opel Insignia: Driving and Operating


 Driving Information

Distracted Driving Distraction comes in many forms and can take your focus from the task of driving. Exercise good judgment and do not let other activities divert your attention away from the road. Ma

 Starting and Operating

New Vehicle Break-In Caution: The vehicle does not need an elaborate break-in. But it will perform better in the long run if you follow these guidelines: Do not drive at any one constant speed, fa

 Engine Exhaust

Warning: Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide (CO), which cannot be seen or smelled. Exposure to CO can cause unconsciousness and even death. Exhaust may enter the vehicle if: The vehicle idles


 Description and Operation

CAMBER DESCRIPTION Camber is the tilting of the wheels from the vertical when viewed from the front of the vehicle. When the wheels tilt outward at the top, the camber is positive (+). When the wheel tilts inward at the top, the camber is negative (-). The amount of tilt is measured in degrees fr

 Work Stall Test Warning

WARNING: One or more of the following guidelines may apply when performing specific required tests in the work stall: When a test requires spinning the drive wheels with the vehicle jacked up, adhere to the following precautions: Do not exceed 56 km/h (35 mph) when spinning one drive wheel w

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