Opel Insignia Owners & Service Manuals

Opel Insignia: Repair Instructions

Stabilizer Shaft Replacement

Removal Procedure


Front Suspension

Drivetrain and Front Suspension Cradle(1) - Remove.


Front Suspension

Front Stabilizer Shaft Insulator Clamp Bolt(1) - Remove[4x].

3. Front Stabilizer Shaft(1)@Drivetrain and Front Suspension Cradle - Remove.

Installation Procedure


Front Suspension

Front Stabilizer Shaft(1)@Drivetrain and Front Suspension Cradle - - Install.

CAUTION: Fastener Caution

2. Front Stabilizer Shaft Insulator Clamp Bolt(1) - Install and tighten[4x] 22 N.m (16 lb ft).


Front Suspension

Drivetrain and Front Suspension Cradle(1) - Install.


Front Suspension

Preliminary Procedure

Remove the front tire and wheel assembly.

  1. Front Stabilizer Shaft Link Nut[2x]
    CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.
    Tighten 100 N.m (74 lb ft)
  2. Front Stabilizer Shaft Link
    Install the front tire and wheel assembly.


Front Suspension

Preliminary Procedures

1. Front Wheel Speed Sensor@Steering Knuckle - Remove.

2. Front Wheel Drive Half Shaft@Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly - Separate.

3. Front Brake Rotor Replacement (JQ5) Front Brake Rotor Replacement (J17, J60).

  1. Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly Bolt[3x]
    CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

    CAUTION: This vehicle is equipped with torque-to-yield or single use fasteners. Install a NEW torque-to-yield or single use fastener when installing this component.
    Failure to replace the torque-to-yield or single use fastener could cause damage to the vehicle or component.

    Remove and DISCARD the bolts.

    First Pass: 100 N.m (74 lb ft)
    Final Pass: (60 - 75 degrees)

  2. Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly
    Apply grease evenly and ensure complete coverage to the steering knuckle bearing pilot bore only.
    NOTE: Avoid applying grease to any other machined surfaces, holes, or threads.
    Ensure the drain channel at the bottom of the bore is not blocked with grease or debris.

Steering Knuckle Replacement

Removal Procedure


Front Suspension

Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly(1) - Remove.


Front Suspension

Steering Linkage Outer Tie Rod(1)@Steering Knuckle - Separate.


Front Suspension

Front Lower Control Arm(1)@Steering Knuckle - Separate.


Front Suspension

Strut Assembly(1)@Steering Knuckle - Separate.


Front Suspension

Remove the steering knuckle (1) from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure


Front Suspension

Position the steering knuckle (1) on the vehicle.


Front Suspension

Strut Assembly(1)@Steering Knuckle - Install.


Front Suspension

Front Lower Control Arm(1)@Steering Knuckle - Install.


Front Suspension

Steering Linkage Outer Tie Rod(1)@Steering Knuckle - Install.


Front Suspension

Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly(1) - Install.

6. Measure and adjust the wheel alignment.


Special Tools

CH-42188-B Ball Joint Separator

Equivalent regional tools:Special Tools

Removal Procedure

1. Remove the front tire and wheel assembly.

2. If servicing left side - Front Compartment Air Deflector - Remove.

3. If servicing right side - Front Compartment Splash Shield - Remove.


Front Suspension

{ If equipped }Link Rod (1)@Ball Stud (2) - Disconnect.


Front Suspension

Steering Knuckle Nut(1) - Loosen.


Front Suspension

7. Use the CH-42188-B separator (1) to separate the front lower control arm from the steering knuckle.

8. Remove the CH-42188-B separator (1) from the front lower control arm and steering knuckle.


Front Suspension

Steering Knuckle Nut(1) - Remove.


Front Suspension

Front Lower Control Arm Front Bolt(1) - Remove and DISCARD[2x].


Front Suspension

Front Lower Control Arm Rear Nut(1) - Remove[2x].

12. Front Lower Control Arm Rear Bolt(2) - Remove and DISCARD[2x].


Front Suspension

Remove the front lower control arm (1) from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure


Front Suspension

Position the front lower control arm (1) on the vehicle.


Front Suspension

CAUTION: This vehicle is equipped with torque-to-yield or single use fasteners. Install a NEW torque-to-yield or single use fastener when installing this component.

Failure to replace the torque-to-yield or single use fastener could cause damage to the vehicle or component.

Front Lower Control Arm Rear Bolt(2) - Install NEW[2x].

3. Front Lower Control Arm Rear Nut(1) - Loosely install[2x].


Front Suspension

NOTE: Ensure there are no gaps in the thread locking adhesive along the length of the filled area of the threads on the bolt shafts. Allow the thread locking adhesive to cure approximately 10 minutes before installing the bolts.

Apply thread locking adhesive to the NEW front lower control arm front bolts (1) prior to installation.

5. Front Lower Control Arm Front Bolt(1) - Install NEW and hand tighten[2x].


Front Suspension

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

Front Lower Control Arm Rear Nut(1) - Tighten[2x].


  1. First Pass: 100 N.m (74 lb ft)
  2. Final Pass: (90 - 105 degrees)


Front Suspension

Front Lower Control Arm Front Bolt(1) - Tighten[2x]


  1. First Pass: 100 N.m (74 lb ft)
  2. Final Pass: (90 - 105 degrees)


Front Suspension

Steering Knuckle Nut(1) - Install and tighten.


  1. First Pass: 40 N.m (30 lb ft)
  2. Final Pass: (120 - 135 degrees)


Front Suspension

{ If equipped }Link Rod (1)@Ball Stud (2) - Connect.

10. If servicing right side - Front Compartment Splash Shield - Install.

11. If servicing left side - Front Compartment Air Deflector - Install.

12. Install the front tire and wheel assembly.

13. Measure and adjust the wheel alignment.

Wheel Stud Replacement

Special Tools

CH-43631 Ball Joint Separator

Equivalent regional tools:Special Tools

Removal Procedure

1. Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly - Remove.


Front Suspension

Use the CH-43631 separator (1) to remove the wheel stud (2) from the flange on the hub assembly and DISCARD.

Installation Procedure


Front Suspension

Position the NEW wheel stud (1) in the flange of the hub assembly.

2. Install flat washers (2) and an OLD wheel nut (3) on the wheel stud (1).

3. Use a suitable tool to prevent the flange on the hub assembly from rotating.

4. Tighten the wheel nut (3) until the wheel stud (1) is fully seated.

5. Remove the wheel nut and flat washers.

6. Front Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly - Install.


Removal Procedure

1. Air Inlet Grille Panel - Remove.


Front Suspension

{ If equipped }Electrical Connector(1) - Disconnect.

3. Remove the front tire and wheel assembly.


Front Suspension

Front Wheel Speed Sensor Wiring Harness@Strut Assembly - Unclip.

5. Front Brake Hose(2)@Strut Assembly - Separate.


Front Suspension

Front Stabilizer Shaft Link(1)@Strut Assembly - Separate.


Front Suspension

Steering Knuckle Nut(1) - Remove[2x].

8. Steering Knuckle Bolt(2) - Remove and DISCARD[2x].


Front Suspension

Front Suspension Strut Mount Bolt(1) - Remove[4x].


Front Suspension

Remove the front suspension strut assembly (1) from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure


Front Suspension

Inspect the front suspension strut mount (1) before positioning the front suspension strut assembly on the vehicle. The strut assembly MUST be installed with the larger ribs of the strut mount facing inboard.


Front Suspension

Position the front suspension strut assembly (1) to the vehicle.


Front Suspension

Prepare the Front Suspension Strut Mount Bolts (1) for installation:

  1. Clean ALL of the OLD thread locking adhesive from each bolt with denatured alcohol or equivalent and allow to dry.
  2. Apply NEW thread locking adhesive to 2/3 of the threaded length of each bolt.
  3. Ensure there are NO gaps in the thread locking adhesive along the filled area of each bolt.

4. Front Suspension Strut Mount Bolt(1) - Install, but do NOT tighten[4x].


Front Suspension

CAUTION: This vehicle is equipped with torque-to-yield or single use fasteners. Install a NEW torque-to-yield or single use fastener when installing this component.

Failure to replace the torque-to-yield or single use fastener could cause damage to the vehicle or component.

Steering Knuckle Bolt(2) - Install NEW[2x]

CAUTION: Fastener Caution.

6. Steering Knuckle Nut(1) - Install and tighten[2x]

  1. First Pass: 100 N.m (74 lb ft)
  2. Final Pass: (45 - 60 degrees)


Front Suspension

Front Stabilizer Shaft Link(1)@Strut Assembly - Install.


Front Suspension

Front Brake Hose(2)@Strut Assembly - Install.

9. Front Wheel Speed Sensor(1)@Steering Knuckle - Install.

10. Install the front tire and wheel assembly.

11. Lower the vehicle completely.


Front Suspension

Tighten the front suspension strut mount bolts (1) in a DIAGONAL pattern to 35 N.m (26 lb ft).


Front Suspension

{ If equipped }Electrical Connector(1) - Connect.

14. Air Inlet Grille Panel - Install.

Shock Absorber, Shock Absorber Component, or Spring Replacement

Special Tools

  • CH-42991 Strut Rod Nut Socket
  • CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor
  • CH-48845-10 Strut Spring Compressor Bridge Adapter

Equivalent regional tools:Special Tools

Disassembly Procedure

1. Remove the front suspension strut assembly from the vehicle.


Front Suspension

WARNING: To prevent personal injury and/or component damage, use the proper tools to support and compress the coil spring prior to removal of the strut shaft nut when removing the coil spring. The coil spring is under extreme pressure and can become a projectile should the spring separate from the strut before all of the tension is relieved.

Place and center the front suspension strut assembly (3) into the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1).

3. Position the coil spring as far down onto the lower arms of the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1).

4. Use a grease pencil to leave a visible mark on the spring where each of the three lower arms of the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1) make contact for reference purposes if replacing the coil spring.

NOTE: The CH-48845-10 Strut Spring Compressor Bridge Adapter (2) is used to compress the front coil spring from the top of the front suspension strut mount to provide added stability and aid in compressing the front suspension strut to sufficiently release tension rather than using the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1) as a stand alone.

5. Adjust the CH-48845-10 Strut Spring Compressor Bridge Adapter (2) so that the opening of the adapter sufficiently captures the front strut mount.

6. Position the CH-48845-10 Strut Spring Compressor Bridge Adapter (2) so it does not contact the alignment posts on the front strut mount.

7. Install and secure the CH-48845-10 Strut Spring Compressor Bridge Adapter (2) to the three upper compressor arms of the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1).

8. Ensure that the coil spring assembly is level by using the adjustment screws on the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor.

9. Adjust the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1) and remove any clearance between the CH-48845-10 Strut Spring Compressor Bridge Adapter (2) and the front strut mount ensuring that it is properly positioned.

10. Using the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1), compress the front coil spring enough to remove tension from the front strut mount.


Front Suspension

NOTE: Before removing the strut rod mount nut, support the front suspension strut to prevent it from falling.

While holding the strut rod from turning using a 12 point spline bit, use the CH-42991 Strut Rod Nut Socket (1), and loosen the front strut rod mount nut.


Front Suspension

Front Strut Rod Mount Nut(1) - Remove.

13. Front Suspension Strut(3) - Remove.

14. Front Coil Spring Lower Insulator(2) - Remove.


Front Suspension

Using the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1), release tension on the front coil spring (2).

16. Remove the front coil spring (2) and remaining components from the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1).


Front Suspension

Front Strut Mount(1) - Remove.

18. Front Coil Spring Insulator(2) - Remove.


Front Suspension

Front Strut Boot(2) - Remove.

20. Front Suspension Strut Bumper(1) - Remove.

21. Inspect the components and replace as necessary.

Assembly Procedure


Front Suspension

Front Suspension Strut Bumper(1) - Install.

2. Front Strut Boot(2) - Install.


Front Suspension

Front Coil Spring Insulator(2) - Install.

4. Front Strut Mount(1) - Install.


Front Suspension

If replacing the front coil spring (2), transfer the grease pencil marks made on the old front coil spring (2) to the new front coil spring (2).

6. Align the grease pencil marks to the lower arms and center the front coil spring (2) and the associated components to the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1).

7. Ensure that the spring is level in the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1) by using the adjustment screws.

8. Using the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1), apply tension on the front coil spring (2).


Front Suspension

Front Coil Spring Lower Insulator(2) - Install.

NOTE: Support the front suspension strut until the front suspension strut nut is loosely installed.

10. Front Suspension Strut(3) - Install.

NOTE: Adjust the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor as necessary so enough of the threaded portion of the front suspension strut rod is exposed.

11. Front Strut Rod Mount Nut(1) - Loosely install.


Front Suspension

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution.

Using the CH-42991 Strut Rod Nut Socket (1), tighten the front strut rod mount nut to 70 N.m (52 lb ft).


Front Suspension

Using the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1), release all tension on the front coil spring and the front strut mount.

14. Remove the front suspension strut assembly (3) from the CH-45400 Strut Spring Compressor (1).

15. Install the front suspension strut assembly to the vehicle.


WARNING: Use the proper eye protection when drilling to prevent metal chips from causing physical injury.


Front Suspension

Clamp the strut in a vise horizontally with the rod (1) completely extended.

2. Drill a hole in the strut at the center of the end cap (3) using a 5 mm (3/16 in) drill bit. Gas or a gas/oil mixture will exhaust when the drill bit penetrates the strut. Use shop towels in order to contain the escaping oil.

3. Remove the strut from the vise.

4. Hold the strut over a drain pan vertically with the hole down.

5. Move the rod (1) in and out of the tube (2) to completely drain the oil from the strut.


     Description and Operation

    FRONT SUSPENSION DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The front suspension has 2 primary purposes: Isolate the driver from irregularities in the road surface. Define the ride and handling characteristics of t

     Rear Suspension

    Specifications FASTENER SPECIFICATIONS Single Use Threaded Fastener/Component Tightening Specifications NOTE: All fasteners/components listed in this table MUST BE DISCARDED and replaced with NEW aft

     Repair Instructions

    Rear Wheel Bearing and Hub Replacement (AWD) Removal Procedure 1. Remove the rear tire and wheel assembly. 2. Rear Wheel Speed Sensor - Remove. 3. Rear Wheel Drive Shaft@Rear Wheel Bearing and Hub A



    FASTENER SPECIFICATIONS Single Use Non-Threaded Fasteners/Components Application NOTE: All fasteners/components listed in this table MUST BE DISCARDED and replaced with NEW after removal. Camshaft Cover Gasket Combustion Fuel Injector Seal Connecting Rod Bearing Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Crankshaft

     Description and Operation

    REAR SUSPENSION DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The rear suspension system on this vehicle is of the independent link type. Rear suspension adjustment is achieved through adjustable toe links and lower control arms. The rear coil springs are retained between the body and the lower control arm. Rubber in

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